whew... that went fast. I have made a commitment to do more painting/playing. With that is cleaning up the basement. As I have been cleaning, I keep finding those old projects. Most them still seem pretty cool, but when will I ever finish them. There are a couple I want to have a go at finishing. By Fire and Sword has been an interest of mine for day one. I love the time period and the armies. I did both the kickstarters and have plenty to paint. Of course the one think I really don't like to paint.., horses and the main army I picked... horses and cheap ones at that so that means a lot of them. Here is the start of a whole bunch of them:
My second project, also a kickstarter, is All Quiet on the Martian Front. Love the models and the theme.
My goal is to clean the basement and paint a little every day. Wish me luck. One last project I would love to finish is my Quar.